
As humans find themselves forced to mate with our robotic overlords I suspect there will be some dancing. And what better way to teach us how to dance than with…

These magical (robotic) socks teach you to dance (robotically)

It’s not only Japan, but Korea is developing advanced robots, too. Case in point: Mahru, the dancing humanoid, made by the Korea Institute of Science & Technology (KIST). And this…

Another week, another healthcare robot coming put of Japan (and this is generally a good thing). This new model, named Taizou [JP], is developed by the country’s National Institute of…

OMG. At least he still has money ’cause he lost his dignity last night. We’ll see if my month old prediction comes true tonight and he’s the first one voted…

Season eight of Dancing With the Stars premiers tonight and make sure to tune in to watch Steve Wozniak make a complete fool of himself. Maybe.

Halo Wars will have a different approach on gameplay, according to Amazon. For example, 28 fun-filled, adventurous mini-games.

[photopress:idpidp.jpg,full,center] Dancing… is… a primitive art-form… used in ancient times to express oneself with… the body! And communicate! This is my new favorite gadget (though the video, on the other…

This is one of those ideas that I wish I thought of. I go to a lot of club nights, rock shows, and court dates. Usually they stamp your had,…


Blizzcon Dance Contest Gallery

9:52 am PDT • August 27, 2007

Y-M-C-A! So your Monday isn’t going exactly as you planned. Sometimes starting off a new week can be hard, especially after a fun weekend. Lucky for you, Blizzard just put…


Cosplay Dance: Why, Japan, Why?

4:07 pm PDT • April 12, 2007

Cosplay Dance: Why, Japan, Why? Free Skype? Cosplayers dance. Police come. Cosplayers scatter. Rinse. Repeat. via TokyoMango



11:58 am PST • February 9, 2007

Robert from RobotsRule sends in this video of a RoboBoa, the dancing robot snake. In addition to its disco moves, the RoboBoa has some use doubling as an alarm clock.…