What did the first Leatherman tool look like?

Multi-tools are all the rage now, but that wasn’t always the case. In fact, inventor Tim Leatherman shopped his idea around years before finally finding a company that was willing to sell his product. He formed his own company in 1983, and the rest is history.

So what did the first Leatherman tool look like? Well, the idea for the concept came to Leatherman after going on a driving tour of Europe in 1975, and having to use a pocket knife to repeatedly fix his failing car. Personally, I’ve never been without a Leatherman tool on my belt, or in my pocket. In fact, I feel naked when I’m forced to leave mine at home. Popular Mechanics just published an article about how the tool was developed, including the pictures you see here. Very cool, and fun to see. It’s amazing to see the first generation, and compare it to what they produce now .

[via Make]