An iPod touch with 2MP cam appears in Vietnam

What’s going on in Vietnam? Unannounced Apple products seem to be falling from the sky. The same group that released the second round of iPhone 4G pics got their hands on an iPod touch with a 2MP rear-facing camera. The DVT-1 stamp clearly states that it’s not a production model, but rather a pre-production or prototype model, suggesting that this boy might not ever get a release.

Engadget points out that the serial number lists this unit as a late 2009 third generation iPod touch. It’s possible that the unit in question here is from the batch that caused all those rumors stating the iPod touch was getting a camera. That rumor obviously didn’t pan out and only the iPod nano got the camera treatment.

There’s always a chance that ol’ Steve will announce this model alongside the iPhone 4G next month. iPods are still selling like mad and an undated model with not only a camera, but also iPhone OS 4 will no doubt spark even more sales. Guess we’ll have to wait until next month.