Lenovo: 80% of the technology will run on the mobile web by 2015

Lenovo company chief Yang Yuanqing said that soon the majority of Lenovo products would run on the mobile web, meaning a cross of 3G and 4G technologies. Most of their current line comes with 3G built in and their ThinkPad line is just screaming out for mobile web simply because it is aimed at the on-the-go professional.

What think I on this topic? I think Lenovo is uniquely placed to take advantage of the mobile web, along with Dell and HP. All three are seen as “business” notebook manufacturers, for better or worse, and that’s a low margin business. By adding 3G capabilities out of the box they presumably get a cut from the carriers as they sell more units.

WiMax (or some other 4G technology) will, without a doubt, be the next add-on technology. However, I’m not quite sure we can give WiFi the boot just yet. With new 3G-to-hotspot technologies, it may be easier to start up a dongle in your pocket than pay a dedicated service contract on every device you own. This, I think, is why the 3G iPad will be a weak seller.

Regardless, at least Lenovo is thinking about the future.