New Guitar Hero controller gets delicate refinements


Guitar Hero 5 will launch in September and with it, a slightly new and slightly-improved Guitar controller featuring, among other changes, an all-digital slider and colored dots along the neck of the Guitar which ought to make it easier to glance down and see where your fingers are.

Neversoft’s Brian Bright told IGN the following:

“The Guitar Hero World Tour guitar slider was sending analog values. The Guitar Hero 5 guitar controller’s slider is digital, reducing the chance for error and latency. On the surface of the slider we added slight reliefs (like the one on the yellow fret button) to the middle slider fret and the top and bottom slider frets. This way you can feel exactly where your fingers are. There are also colored dots on the neck of the guitar controller near the slider that correspond to the colors of the frets. This allows you to quickly look down and see where your fingers should be (if the reliefs aren’t enough for you). All of these changes to the slider allow you to hit the tapping sections with better precision – we also removed the purple rope in the tapping/slide sections of game play by the way :). For those who are musically inclined, GHStudio’s all new expressive guitar controller capabilities is where the slider will really shine.”

The strum bar has also been reinforced and will be made of a more textured material to ward off sweaty hands. And the fake tuning knobs apparently look all chrome-y now in order to class everything up along with the new cherry red motif.

Guitar Hero 5’s New Axe [IGN]