CTIA09 Video: Palm demos MotionApps' PalmOS emulator, Classic

If you’ve got loads of 5 year old PalmOS applications laying around, fear not – they’ll run on the Pre. Well, sort of; they’ll run in MotionApps’ recently announced PalmOS emulator which, for most purposes, should be just as good. We stopped by Palm’s lounge this afternoon for a quick demo, and brought the whole thing back on video for your perusal

Don’t expect much luck with anything that requires an infrared port (HotSync, for example) – while they’ve emulated the hardware functionality up to the buttons, it’s a bit tough to fake an IR port. Throwing a new application into the emulator is a matter of plugging in the USB cable and dragging over the PRC.

Classic will not come installed on the handset out of the box, but should be available in the Palm App Catalog at launch.