Pentax launching advanced DSLR this summer

pentaxLike every other major camera manufacturer, Pentax had a lackluster PMA showing this year, but an interview between a Swedish mag and Pentax official says otherwise. Whether it’s the successor to the K20D is up for debate, which is exactly what’s going on over at DPreview forums.

“We have planned to introduce a new SLR, it’s also a new concept, by the summer.”
Q: “Is it a direct successor to the K20D?
A: “No, it is not a direct successor of the K20D, the concept has changed during the development in the past months, the concept is slightly different.”
Q: “Is it a more advanced or less advanced than the K20D?”
A: “It will be more advanced I would say.”

Things get interesting around the one-minute mark in the video if you’re interested.

Swedish Mag via Ricehigh