North Korea gets 3G network tomorrow


Good news for those of you in North Korea! (That must be, like, zero of you. I can’t imagine the North Koreans allowing our silly, subversive site to be easily readable.) You’ll have a 3G network up and running tomorrow, thanks to Egypt’s Orascom Telecom‘s $400 million investment.

The network will initially cover Pyongyang, North Korea’s capital, and other major cities.

The AP reminds us that North Korea has some pretty tight communication restrictions, and it’s not yet known how ordinary North Korean citizens will be able to use the 3G network.

I just find it funny that there’s going to be 3G in Pyongyang and I can’t so much as get T-Mobile EDGE here in Dutchess County, NY, which is about an hour north of NYC. Ridiculous.

via Foreign Policy’s Passport