Oblong's g-speak spatial operating interface brings Minority Report UI to life

g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

After having seen the above video you will undoubtedly make direct comparisons to what was seen in Minority Report, and that’s no coincidence. John Underkoffler, one of Oblong’s co-founders, was the science advisor on the film and built much of what we saw in the movie from what he was working on at MIT.

The gesture-based g-speak “spatial operating interface” (SOE) software platform has been in development at MIT’s Media Laboratory since the early 1990s and its intended use isn’t as nerdy as we’d expect. It’s meant to facilitate answers to real-world issues such as:

analysis of large data sets
operation of three-dimensional interfaces
construction of efficient multi-user collaborative applications
integration of large screens and multiple computers into room- and building-scale work environments
development of large-scale applications that run interactively across enterprise networks

The platform, which is compatible with Linux and Mac, is currently in use at Fortune 50 companies, government agencies, and universities in a variety of areas, such as:

Financial services
Network operations centers
Logistics and supply chain management
Military and intelligence
Natural resource exploration
Data mining and analytics
Medical imaging
High-touch retail
Trade shows and theatrical presentations
Consumer electronics interfaces

G-speak is available in room-sized and single-user settings. I wonder how I could expense this.

luminous room demos from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

Oblong via Techamok