Rock Band 2 cover art revealed?

The blokes over at Joystiq just received two potential cover art samples for Rock Band 2. A survey conducted by Listen Research appears to be the venue from which these scans were obtained. Participants in the survey were asked the following questions.

* Indicate which of the two covers below would attract you more if you were shopping for a new game in a store.
* Indicate which game box cover you believe is a better fit with the description of the game.

The description they were given was:

“Rock Band 2 lets you and your friends play as a virtual 4-person band, in person or online, to rock out to some of the biggest rock anthems from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s. Rock Band 2 will be a full featured sequel, similar to full featured sequels you see released by other big video game franchises, such as Need for Speed, Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, or Halo. In the music/rhythm genre, it is similar to the feature jumps made from Guitar Hero I to Guitar Hero II or Guitar Hero II to Guitar Hero III.”

Which one do you like better? I prefer the former as opposed to the latter. I’d rather have something fresh and new, but that’s just me.