PS3 Price Drop, New 40GB Coming For Holidays


The holiday season is the best time to shop isn’t it? I know a lot of parents out there have kids who’ve been begging them for a next-gen console. Heck, even I’ve been asking my parents to buy me one. So let’s hope this rumor is true regarding the PS3. An informant for Opposable Thumbs has the inside scoop that the 80GB model will drop down to the somewhat acceptable price of $500. That’s no biggie and we’ve expecting that. Talk of a 40GB version is from left field and for only $400, it’s a no brainer. The PS2, which is still a damn fine console, is inching towards the $100 mark and you might even seen a Blu-ray copy of Spider-Man 3 bundled into one of the PS3 consoles. We’ll have to wait around for TGS to see how legit this is, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

$400 40GB PS3 with Spidey 3 Blu-ray pack-in? Our mole tells all [Opposable Thumbs]