DIY Ring Flash Diffuser: The Cheap Creative Rascal Way


I’ve been going batshit crazy with my DSLR the last few months and I’m one of those weird dudes who likes to take macro shots. I don’t know why, but I like taking close up pictures of things because I think it looks cool. I especially like bugs and just about anything in the great outdoors. The only problem is I don’t have a fancy flash, so every shot that needs a bit of light just gets washed out. This upsets me a lot. So I’m ecstatic over this DIY ring flash diffuser I came across on MAKE. Photophool is one crafty son of a gun and I’m totally pimping out my K100D with a CCRRD (Cheap Creative Rascals Ring Flash Diffuser). Check out his Flickr profile and see what sort of shots he can get with his DIY accessory.

Cheap Creative Rascals Ring Flash Diffuser [via