PlayStation 3 Brings Use To PSP

If you own a PSP, you’ll finally have a use for the failing portable device. As I mentioned earlier, PlayStation 3 will feature PSP support via WiFi, letting you access downloaded content on your PS3 with your PSP. Gamer’s Day in San Francisco showed a little preview of what we could expect: The PS3 console had the trailer for the new James Bond movie, Casino Royale, already downloaded onto its hard drive. The PSP was able to connect wirelessly to the console, download the trailer to its own storage.

That’s about all you’ll be able to do with the PSP during launch. Sony says that in the future we will be able to download PSOne games from its marketplace (which is another thing we don’t know much about), and play them on your PSP. Sorry for anyone expecting LocationFree TV, Sony doesn’t have any plans to progress in that field.

For now, you’ll be able to access all of the content of your PS3’s HD via WiFi, only if you are in your living room. In the future we’ll probably be able to access the PS3 from anywhere, but for now, the whole process is somewhat limited.

PS3 Brings Use To PSP [gizmodo]