transport systems

On-demand shuttle startup Via hits $2.25 billion valuation on latest funding round led by Exor

On-demand shuttle startup Via has hit a $2.25 billion valuation following a Series E funding round led by Exor, the Agnelli family holding company that owns stakes inĀ PartnerRe, Ferrari and Fiat Chry

How autonomous vehicles and hyperloop are scooting along

Will transportation technologies become the industry disruptors many pundits suggested they would?

Amazon isn’t to blame for the Postal Service’s woes, but it will need to innovate to survive

Cyrus Radfar Contributor Cyrus Radfar is the founding partner at V1 Worldwide. More posts by this contributor How autonomous vehicles and hyperloop are scooting along Will tech companies change the wa

Japanese Carrier DoCoMo To Pay $50M To Take A 7% Stake In Pioneer To Expand Its Push Into In-Car Transport Systems

Japanese carrier NTT DoCoMo has announced it plans to invest around $50M into Japanese digital entertainment company Pioneer Corporation, which makes in-car electronics, to acquire approximately seven