snake oil

Why your CSO, not your CMO, should pitch your security startup

Whenever a security startup lands on my desk, I have one question: Who’s the chief security officer (CSO) and when can I get time with them? Having a chief security officer is as relevant today

The erosion of Web 2.0

It seems quaint to imagine now but the original vision for the web was not an information superhighway. Instead, it was a newspaper that fed us only the news we wanted. This was the central thesis bro

Noise cancelling headphones without electronics? I'll believe it when I hear it

<img src="" />ZEM headphones are a new product created by an audio researcher, who claims to have come up with a noise cancellation techniqu

Finally! An anti-radiation sticker for phones!

If you’ve been worried about getting too much electromagnetic radiation from your cell phone, you can finally take off that tinfoil hat! A Belgian firm has announced that they have finally creat

VIBE machine: Fools and money soon parted, sadly dead

While there are plenty of alternative remedies for testicular cancer – St. John’s Wort, Rolfing, going to the freaking doctor and having him cut the cancer out – none are quite as ri

Acoustic System Phase Corrector: Correct energy pockets that make Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere" sound like a badger vomiting

Do you have energy pockets near your deflanged tweeter? Are you franules kurrated and your green graphite isotonic cones remolding your audio energy? Pure Music has something for you. Their Acoustic S