In school or a recent grad? Get cheap tickets to Disrupt London

Are you an undergrad or graduate student looking to take part in the best startup conference in Europe? Student tickets to Disrupt London 2016 are still available at the deeply discounted rate of just £100 plus VAT.

These tickets were previously only available to students currently enrolled in school, but we’re now expanding their availability to all of the recent graduates out there. If you graduated in May or June of 2016, you can now get in on the cheap Disrupt ticket action.

To take advantage of this opportunity, all you’ll need to do is send an email to Current students should send a copy of their valid student identification card and transcripts that show their current enrollment status. Recent grads should send their student IDs, transcripts and confirmation of graduation. Once we’ve confirmed your status, we’ll send you information on how to purchase your student tickets to Disrupt.

Attending Disrupt is a great way for students and recent grads to make connections with key figures in the tech industry, connections that might just help lead you to your next major career opportunity. At Disrupt, you’ll get to connect with some of the most influential minds in the tech community, from venture capitalists to entrepreneurs and, of course, your favorite TechCrunch writers and editors.

And if that isn’t enough to convince you that you need to be at Disrupt, you’ll also get to chat to representatives from some of the startups proudly pitching their wares to attendees in the Startup and Hardware Alleys, check out the illustrious Startup Battlefield competition, and listen to top investors, innovators and entrepreneurs in the dozens of interviews and fireside chats we have lined up for the show.

Plus, you can keep the networking going long into the night with all of the after-parties we have planned. If past Disrupts are any indication, Disrupt is going to be off the hook, and you are going to want to be there.

Disrupt London 2016 takes place December 5-6 at the beautiful Copper Box Arena in London. We hope to see you there.

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