Doormat alerts thieves that your house is filled with Apple products

Get it? It’s like the “slide to unlock” feature on your iPhone except it’s on a doormat and you can’t really slide it and it doesn’t really unlock your door. But anyone who owns an iPhone that comes over to your house may or may not chuckle while thinking, “Hey, I know what that’s from. It’s from my iPhone. Except this time it’s a doormat. I get it.”

Consistent with the premium price tags found on most Apple products, the doormat costs a whopping $50 plus — holy shit — $23 for shipping? Oh, it ships from Brazil. Shipment time takes 20-30 days, too, so make sure to take off your shoes until then, lest you track iMud all over the hardwood floors.

Unlock Doormat [Meninos via OhGizmo!]

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