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O’Reilly Conferences and TechWeb are presenting Web 2.0 Expo, and are offering TechCrunch readers $100 off of the conference with the discount code “webny08po1”. Thank You O’Reilly.

MediaTemple, TechCrunch’s exclusive hosting provider, and a worldwide leader in managed hosting solutions across all major platforms

MailChimp, a provider of turnkey e-mail marketing services

SocialText, the creator of wiki-oriented webware for the enterprise space

eBuddy, a webware meta instant messaging client

Conduit, the makers of the Crunchbar, and other toolbars

Seesmic a video micro-blogging service

ServePath the maker of GoGrid, and other cloudware products

Code42 the makers of CrashPlanPro, an automatic backup solution

RackSpace a provider of managed hosting solutions

LogicWorks a managed hosting provider

Geni, a leading tool to bring families together online

BrightCove a platform for Internet TV

3Tera a cloud computing provider

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