10 Days of CrunchGear: The End

Before we announce the big winners, let me take a moment to thank you all. You’re basically the reason we all get up in the morning (that and needing to pee) and you’ve helped define CrunchGear as a site that is as factually accurate as the World Book Encyclopedia I still have at my parents house that my grandma bought at the Giant Eagle in Martins Ferry, Ohio and as funny as Family Circus. We are proud to have you all as readers and I hope that we bring a little fun to your day. Hats off to our intrepid winners and we’ll see you next year… hmmm… 20 days of CrunchGear?

First, Wednesday’s winners:

The Avatar Mouse: Tuillip
ARTiGO PCs: Kyle, Jeremy

And the final winners… drumroll please

Palm Treo Pro: John Eddy
42-inch JVC LCD: Robert K
Lenovo Laptop: Brittany Krout

Thanks again to all our excellent sponsors.