For those times you forget to take your Adderall, there's the iPhone/iPod Touch drum machine

An iPhone/iPod Touch-based drum machine makes some sense thanks to the whole multi-touch thing. The iPhone drum pad (called “Drummer”) currently in development over at Moo Cow Music leverages multi-touch technology to allow you to hit up to five drum pads at once. You can play along with your own music or just have a sweet solo like the one Garth had in Wayne’s World while Wayne was busy buying his new guitar.

There are five pre-installed drum kits (Rock, Dance, Jazz 1, Jazz 2, and Electro) or you can make your own kits by using sampled WAV files. “Drummer” is currently in closed beta but will be free when it’s released into the wild.

Drummer – The iPhone Drum Pad [] via technabob