CG Holidays 2007 Recommendation: ACE Grooming Gear

Dual action for your pleasure.

For those old enough to even know the brand ACE, well, they’re back. For the rest of you, listen up. This ageless plastic comb company has now come out with a line of men’s grooming products that won’t make you feel like Queen Depilitia of the Hairless Ones. I got to play with the tweezers, nail care kit, and excellent dual-action hair trimmer and I’m happy to report that this gear will go great in your overnight bag and will not scare you out of caring for your appearance.

The tweezers are huge and metal and feel like something you could use to pick up screws. The nail care kit is pretty cool and it has a charming plastic fur-lined oriface for “buffing” your nails, although we all know what we’ll use it for — we’ll stick it on a cat’s tail and watch the fun. The dual-trimmer is great for nose and ear hair and can clean up your sideburns in a pinch. This gear should be available almost everywhere right now and remember ladies: even if we have sea anemones growing out of our noses, we won’t do anything about it ourselves. Buy us these things, stuff them in our stockings, call them “cool face stuff” and make us cut those nasty hairs out. Guys: the best part about the dual action nose hair trimmer is that you can later blow your nose and look at all the hair that comes out.

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