Murdoch To Turn WSJ Into Quasi Reuters/ AP

wsj1.jpgThe News Corp owned The Australian newspaper is to start syndicating content from the Wall Street Journal complete with WSJ branding.

According to The Guardian, the deal comes before the finalization of the News Corp takeover of Dow Jones, the Wall Street Journal’s parent company, however may indicate a sign of things to come.

The Australian previously syndicated content from the Financial Times (, a rival to Dow Jones.

Content from the Wall Street Journal, and other properties within the Dow Jones company will provide tempting syndication opportunities post takeover. The News Corp owned Fox Business Channel is already quoting heavily from Wall Street Journal sources, and post takeover there is no reason to doubt that the cross promotion opportunities within the News Corp group of companies will be taken full advantage of. I doubt however that we’ll see a MySpace Business News channel…at least in the immediate future.

See our previous coverage here.