Shooting the Messenger (If the Message is "Wake Up, Jerk"); or, the Glock Clock

We’ve seen more than our share of interesting alarm clocks on the pages of CrunchGear over the months, and there are in fact many that we don’t cover. There are just too damned many. But sometimes we come across clocks with totally unique ways to make us wake up, and we take notice. And if they’re cool enough, we share them here with you.

One such clock is the Gun-Operated Alarm Clock. It has dual uses: by forcing you to aim a Ninendo Zapper-style gun at the orb to silence it, it forces you to wake up and clear the cobwebs. It also gives you that little bit of satisfaction by letting you blast the annoying chirping clock. As a bonus, the thrill of having killed something should help bolster your morning wood.

You can thank us later, readers. We want one.

Gun-Operated Alarm Clock [Oh, Gizmo!]

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