Sony Promises 27 Playable PS3 Games by TGS

Sony has announced that the PS3 will have 27 playable titles by Tokyo Game Show, which takes place on September 22-24, in Tokyo, Japan. A majority of the playable games at E3 will be showing their pretty little faces again, along with a fresh list of new titles including Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4 and Namco Bandai’s Ridge Racer 7. Sony will also be showing its own playable games including Eye of Judgment, Gran Turismo, Formula One World Championship, MotorStorm, Lair, Resistance Fall of Man, Blade Storm and a few more unannounced titles. With all the negative PS3 news we’ve been hearing about, there is quite a bit of pressure for Sony to impress at TGS since its only 3 months away from its launch date. It’s a relief to know they will have more than a few strong titles out on the floor, I mean, who doesn’t want to play 27 PS3 games?

Playable Games [Gamasutra]

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