
After Disappearing For More Than 3 Years, Why The Lucky Stiff Returns To The Internet

With few exceptions, the world of developers (and startups in general), is really known for its scandals. But when Ruby icon Why the Luck Stuff (also known simply as _why) suddenly took all of his pro

Why Are Watches So Expensive?

<img src="http://c1917752.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/2010/10/price-is-right.jpg">There is no denying that most people consider watches to be pretty expensive. Luxury watches often cost as much,

SteamBoy: Steam Powered Game Boy

Much of the electricity you use is brought to you by steam in one way or another. But why not cut the middle man? This clever fellow has hooked his Game Boy Color up to an old-school steam generator,

Ice Rocks. Sigh.

File this one under stupid. The Water Bank of America, Inc. will soon be offering ice trays that are hermetically sealed with spring water. There is currently no stated price, but Ice Rocks will come