
Nvidia expands its Omniverse

Omniverse is Nvidia’s platform for allowing creators, designers and engineers to collaboratively build virtual worlds. It’s the company’s platform that brings together design tools a

One billion 3D views and counting

Last week Sketchfab, the 3D content hub, shared an exciting milestone -- the company has just crossed 1 billion cumulative page views. Taken with the community's growth -- they just surpassed 2 millio

Hear from investors at General Catalyst, FirstMark and Shasta at TC Sessions: AR/VR

The worlds of augmented reality and VR theoretically represent a boundless expanse for startups looking to create a new digital future. Realizing that future is the tough part, and doing so while Goog

GeoCV captures your apartment in vivid 3D

Apartment walk-throughs are necessary but uneventful. You visit the kitchen, hit the bathroom, size up the bedroom, kick a dead cockroach into the front closet and then sign a contract. But what if yo

Unity Partners With Mozilla To Port Its Popular Game Engine To The Web

<a target="_blank" href="http://unity3d.com/">Unity</a> and <a target="_blank" href="http://mozilla.org">Mozilla</a> today <a target="_blank" href="https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2014/03/18/mozilla-and

New Google Maps For Desktop Brings Back Pegman, Adds Waze Data And 3D Earth Tours

Google today launched an update to its new Google Maps for desktop that brings traffic data from Waze to the desktop for the first time (it’s already integrated into the mobile Maps apps). This

With Internet Explorer On Board, WebGL Is Ready For Prime Time

We've seen developers create 3D content in the browser for a while now, but to do so, they had to use Flash or other tools because browsers didn't support this kind of content out of the box. <a targe

Microsoft (Finally) Confirms WebGL Support For Internet Explorer 11

Our own Frederic Lardinois noted that the new version of Internet Explorer<a href="https://techcrunch.com/2013/06/26/microsoft-launches-windows-8-1-preview-with-start-button-deep-skydrive-integration-

Google Launches Cube Slam, An Open Source Pong Clone, To Show Off The Power Of WebRTC And WebGL

Google today launched Cube Slam, an open source pong clone that you can play against the computer or a friend in the browser. That by itself wouldn't be all that exciting, but Google created this game

Mozilla And Epic Games Bring Unreal Engine 3 To The Web, No Plugin Needed

Back in 2011, Epic ported its popular Unreal Engine 3 technology to Flash and showed how relatively high-end 3D games could run in the browser. It’s 2013 now, however, and Flash isn’t exac