walt mossberg

WSJ Confirms It’s Parting Ways With All Things D, Adding 20 New Hires And International Conference

The Dow Jones-owned Wall Street Journal has confirmed today that it will part ways with All Things D. The media publication — and conference powerhouse — is still in talks with potential suitors b

Now Walt Mossberg hates on MobileMe

As if you didn’t know, MobileMe hasn’t exactly launched without a hitch. Now Walt Mossberg, angel, has jumped atop the dog pile, and is refusing to recommend the service right now. Mossber

Uncle Walt loves the Air, tentatively

http://services.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/452319854 “All thin notebooks have compromises,” says Mr. Mossberg and we have to agree. Clearly the Air isn’t for all of

Mossberg reviews Gateway One, says it's no iMac

Since Gateway announced the One, everyone and their cousin has known it’s a blatant copy of Apple’s iMac. Even Uncle Walt over at the Wall Street Journal knows damn well what Gateway and D