Rubiks Cube

This robot can solve a Rubik’s Cube in .38 seconds

When future generations look back on 2018 what will they remember? Not much, I suspect, except for this amazing robot that can solve a Rubik’s cube in .38 seconds. The video, above, shows the cu

I Dare You Not To Spend Your Entire Day Playing The Rubik’s Cube Google Doodle

The <a target="_blank" href="'s_Cube">Rubik's Cube</a>, both a torture and a delight to many of us, today celebrates its 40th birthday, and Google has joined in with

New Japanese Piggy Bank: Rubik’s Cube Bank Requires Brain Power

<img src="" /> It's been a long time since we last blogged about a <a href="">Jap

Rubik’s Slide offers 10,000 puzzles

<img src="" alt="" />I don’t want to be a Fussy Freddy here but these new digital Rubik’s Cubes make it impossible to peel off th

Rubik's Cube: Celebrating 30 years of frustration

<img src="" />I have a confession to make. I've never been able to solve a Rubik's cube. I had a solved one in my office for years, but

Video: Kid solves two Rubik's Cubes while playing Guitar Hero

Get right the hell outta town with this one. The kid in the above video plays Ozzy Osbourne’s Mr. Crowly on Expert mode in Guitar Hero, using his right elbow to work the strum bar while his righ

Rubik's Cube salt and pepper shakers for some nice dinnertime frustration

<img src="">If you’re the type of person who can complete a Rubik’s Cube without peeling off all the stickers, then I salute you. P

New Rubik’s game coming, no easy way to cheat due to lack of stickers

<img src="">The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube is set to unveil his newest creation, Rubik’s 360, later this week. An early look at the

Unsolvable subwoofer inspired by Rubik’s cube

Like the Rubik’s Cube, do you? Also like booty-thumping bass in your face? Then you, my friend, are the ideal marketing segment for Elac, maker of the Rubik’s Cube-inspired MicroSub 2010 BT subwoo

New Rubik's Cube Tinier and Easier than Nicole Ritchie

When I was a kid, we didn’t have a lot of money. As a consequence of this, when there was a highly popular ’80s toy I wanted, I would get the cheap discount store knock off. I have fond me

Mario Trades in 'Shrooms for Smarts

At $17, the Super Mario Bros. Rubik’s cube is a good companion to those Mario-themed stress relievers I posted about last week. After all, if you ever become frustrated with a puzzle cube, you c