
PlyMedia: Transcribing And Captioning Videos In Real Time

<img src="" width="99" height="73" /> With services like <a href=""></a>, <a href="http://www.justin

The Realtime Agenda For The Realtime CrunchUp

<img src="" width="167" height="200" /> Over the past few weeks, it's definitely been crunchtime as we've been putting together the

SubPLY: Making YouTube Captioning a Reality

<a href=""><img class="shot2" src="" alt="" /></a>A few days ago YouTu

PLYmedia Said To Raise $6 Million From Greylock And Elron

Web video startup PLYmedia recently raised a round of $6 million to $6.5 million, according to a source with knowledge of the deal. The funding has not yet been announced, but the investors are believ

Fifteen Israeli Startups Visit California Next Month

In February the Israel Web Tour rolls into Silicon Valley. Ninety Israeli startups applied to join the tour, and fifteen of them were selected to attend. The tour consists of a week-long conference an