
Head Of Affiliate Network Leaves Google, Joins Behavioral Marketing Firm

<img src="" />Behavior-based marketing solutions provider <a href="">Catalina Marketing</a> has scored a big

Google Launches Affiliate Advertising Network, Courtesy of DoubleClick

Amazon, watch out. Earlier today, Google launched an affiliate ad network. Or, rather, it rebranded Performics, the affiliate ad network that came along with its purchase of DoubleClick, as the &#8220

Google To Sell Performics

Google has announced that it will sell Performics, the search engine marketing arm of Doubleclick. As we reported March 12, Performics presented a major conflict of interest for Google as the service

Google Now Selling SEO Services Via Performics

As we reported yesterday, Google has now successfully acquired DoubleClick after receiving EU approval for the deal. While the focus has been rightly on display advertising, many have missed one part