in car

Envisics raises $50M at a $500M valuation for its in-car holographic tech

The automotive industry is starting to show some signs of recovery after a big contraction during the COVID-19 pandemic, and carmakers planning for the next five years are looking at what new feature

Elon Musk calls it ‘financially insane’ to buy a car that isn’t an EV capable of full self-driving

During the Tesla Annual Shareholder Meeting that took place on Tuesday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk didn’t mince words when he talked about what he thinks of the value proposition of traditional fossil

QNX Locks Down Key Contract With Panasonic, Reminding Us That BlackBerry Still Has Some Shine For Buyers

QNX, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of BlackBerry, announced some news today that reminds us that parcelling the company out could be among BlackBerry's best options as it considers a sale and oth

Video: SuperTooth Voice, hands-free Bluetooth kit

Watch Porn in Your Visor

GadgetUniverse has an interesting product up. It’s a visor mounted DVD player with FM transmitter and apparently allows your bored passengers to enjoy red hot work-out porn from the comfort of y