Fraeda Kapor Klein

Founder salaries, diversity tactics, fintech roboadvisors, and startups improving mental health

Startup founders need to decide how much salary is enough One of the great things about running your own startup is that you have the independence to make critical business decisions, but those decisi

500 Startups LPs Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein react to Dave McClure’s resignation

Earlier today, TechCrunch reported that 500 Startups co-founder Dave McClure, who had already stepped down as CEO, has resigned from his general partner role. Now, Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein,

We’re At The Beginning Of A Venture Capital Revolution

Backers of startups worldwide are looking for the next “disruptive trend" that can overturn industries. Ironically, the venture capital industry has begun to resemble markets that investors themselv

Rebuttal: Make Room In the Bubble For Everyone

This weekend, <a href="" target="_blank">TechCrunch ran a piece by Bindu Reddy</a> bemoaning the fact that when raising money as a CEO of a star