fiber optics

How US national security agencies hold the internet hostage

Team Telecom, a shadowy US national security unit tasked with protecting America’s telecommunications systems, is delaying plans by Google, Facebook and other tech companies for the next generation

Feeling blue might lead to faster broadband

In what could amount to a sea change in the way we transmit data over fiber optics, researchers at University College London have found a new way speed things up by changing the color of the transmitt

DIY: Avatar fiber optic jungle

Inspired by Avatar, this crafty fellow created his own version of the Pandora jungle. Made using conductive thread, fiber optic strands, and LEDs, he built a rather impressive looking patch of grass t

Japanese movie theaters to get content via fiber-optics network

<img src="" /> Nippon's biggest telecommunications company <a href="">NTT</a> and legendary film studios <a href="h

HOW TO stay a virgin this Valentine's Day

So you’re in love. You decide not to get “store bought flowers or jewelry” for your lucky lover and instead make a fiber optic rose of the type found in .99 cent stores all up and do

LumiGrams: For the Ladies

because it looks like some madman designed their site. However, the catalog words and the bags cost about $400 on a good day, batteries not included. Catalog [LumiGram]