
AppCyclers wants to fight e-waste pollution across Africa

Most electronic waste isn’t recycled; instead, our dumped devices (and the toxic metals within) pile up in landfills, polluting the air and contaminating nearby soil and groundwater. Ghana-based

Charger Not Included: U.K. Carrier O2 To Sell HTC Phone With USB Cable But No Plug

Peer into the drawers of the average gadget addict and you're sure to find a tangled mess of unused chargers gathering dust. Mobile phones are a prime offender in creating redundant gadget junk, with

Apple Is Creating An E-Waste Problem

What happens when you change one port? Quite a lot, actually. Apple introduced the 30-pin iPod port on April 28, 2003. That makes the technology - a fairly streamlined solution for 2003 - nine years o

Does Apple Value Secrecy More Than The Environment?

<img src="http://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/topsecret-9-2010.jpg"> According to <a href="http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2010/Cell-Phones-and-American-Adults/Overview.aspx">new research