EC Growth Marketing

Zupyak’s unique startup journey: Building companies without a fixed idea

Avoid the safety of ordinary products and aim for innovation and distinctiveness. Dare to be different and push boundaries.

How to spend your first $10K on paid ads

In the early days of your startup, it’s important to be as efficient as possible, not only with this $10K budget, but also with your time.

5 things to get straight before submitting an RFP to a digital marketing agency

The already-colossal $200 billion online advertising industry is staring down unprecedented innovation — and even more significant revenue.

Your B2B leads are going to waste

Your B2B leads will go to waste unless you begin to create lapsed buckets and develop a strategy to attack them head-on.

Never express your ‘use of funds’ slide as percentages

Early-stage companies need to paint a compelling picture for another round of funding. That’s where startups often fall down. Here’s how to fix that.

A growth framework for reaching $1M ARR

I do not pretend to have a silver bullet, but I do have a tried-and-true framework you can use to help you achieve your first million.

5 growth lessons we learned while scaling from $2M to $3M ARR

Hire experienced talent early, allocate 10% of revenue to marketing, and continue dividing team responsibilities as you scale.

Unveiling the winning formula: How B2C fintechs conquer customer acquisition

Our in-depth analysis revealed that allocating marketing spend to just one to two dominant channels can be a game-changer.

4 ways generative AI makes founders more interesting to journalists

Startups that want to be seen amid the flurry as AI enters the media will need to remember that what most people really want is a human story.

Add a free e-book to your B2B paid acquisition efforts

With a sound strategy to convert your leads, you can be well on your way to a successful paid acquisition campaign.

We tried using OpenAI to generate marketing strategies — and it worked

Here are a few ways any business can utilize generative AI technology to optimize their marketing strategy.

5 marketing slides to bring to your next board meeting

When talking to data-driven board members, stick with what can be measured: marketing’s contribution to the near-term pipeline.

How to identify, interview and hire a head of growth for an early-stage startup

The individual you’re looking for will create and execute growth strategies, manage marketing initiatives and ultimately, drive revenue.

Don’t wait to identify your startup’s ideal customer personas

By identifying your ideal customer personas first, you will find product-market fit faster and identify the right customers to sell to.

The 3 stages of building world-class growth funnels

Thousands of startups have experimented with infinite variations and tweaks to their growth funnel. Why try to reinvent the same foundation?

Paid acquisition: The #1 way to find product-market fit

How can you find PMF in the most efficient and frictionless way possible? I argue that the answer to this question is paid acquisition.

How to approach customer discovery as an early-stage startup (and beyond)

Whether you’re pursuing customer number five, 50 or 500, the process of determining if there’s a fit remains largely the same.

You need to add some friction to your growth funnel

One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to UX is that we must eliminate as many questions and barriers as possible.

CRO: Why startups should prioritize conversion rate optimization early

Think of CRO as a grand supplement to all the other items the growth side rolls out in the early days of a startup.

Here’s what I learned while leading a bootstrapped startup to $40M ARR

Since our founding in 2014, we’ve reached $40 million in ARR through bootstrapping. From there, it was off to the races.
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