Biden offers $15.5B to boost battery and EV manufacturing

The United States Department of Energy is dedicating $15.5 billion to support the transition to electric vehicles. As part of President Joe Biden’s Investing in America agenda, most of the money

The 4 things needed to reach Biden’s ambitious 2050 solar goal

A report on the future of solar energy from the Department of Energy paints a sunny picture, if you will, of the next three decades, at the end of which nearly half the country’s energy will be

D.O.E. Grants $83 Million To Biofuels Startups (Not One Of Them In Silicon Valley)

<img src="" class="shot2"></img> Maybe it's just a biofuels thing this year, but it seems like the feds are giving clea

GE Counting On Energy Monitoring And Solar To Cut Home Energy Usage By 70%

<img src=""> In an effort to push the limits of home energy efficiency, <a href="">Gene

A123 Systems Spinoff 24M Technologies Raises $16 Million

<img src='' class="snap_nopreview shot" alt="A123" />Energy storage system producer 24M Technologies spun out of lithium-ion battery maker <a hr

Caltech Awarded $122 Million to Create Fuel From Sunlight

<img src='' class="snap_nopreview shot2" alt="Photo by Jennifer Boyer" />The <a href="