
Jiobit launches its more secure, modular child location tracker starting at $100

To date, child location trackers have failed to live up to consumer expectations. They’ve arrived as oversized, bulky watches too large for little wrists, and some have even been designed so ins

Hiro Baby’s personal assistant for new parents helps you survive baby’s first year

Winnie helps parents find family-friendly places, share their experiences

A new mobile app called Winnie is launching today to make parents’ lives a little easier, by offering information about nearby kid-friendly places, as well as detailing what sort of facilities f

Tocomail For Gmail Offers Parental Controls And Monitoring For Teens’ First Gmail Account

A company called Tocomail earlier this year launched a mobile application designed to be kids’ first email service, built with the parental controls and protections such an app would require, wh

Thanks, Dads

My father put together a Heathkit shortwave radio in his youth. The radio is still there in my childhood home. He's still alive so this isn't saccharine reminisces of a man who passed. Dad still sits