
Cellebrite asks cops to keep its phone hacking tech ‘hush hush’

For years, cops and other government authorities all over the world have been using phone hacking technology provided by Cellebrite to unlock phones and obtain the data within. And the company has bee

The FBI is mad because it keeps getting into locked iPhones without Apple’s help

The debate over device encryption isn’t dead, it was merely resting. And it just won’t go away.

Cellebrite may have found a way to unlock iPhones running iOS 11

According to a Forbes report, Israeli company Cellebrite is now able to unlock some very recent iPhones. Cellebrite is a well-known company that sells mobile forensics tools to extract data from locke

The FBI is working with Cellebrite to unlock San Bernardino iPhone, reports say

Israeli company <a target="_blank" href="http://www.cellebrite.com">Cellebrite</a> has been appointed by the FBI to find an alternative way to unlock <a href="https://techcrunch.com/tag/apple-vs-fbi">