
Aporia raises $5M for its AI observability platform

Machine learning (ML) models are only as good as the data you feed them. That’s true during training, but also once a model is put in production. In the real world, the data itself can change as

As Symantec flexes its muscle in security, who will step up to the challenge?

As the security market shakes up in more ways than one, who wins, who struggles and who will get acquired next?

Microsoft marches forward with its security plan, releasing Cloud App Security

As Microsoft works its way toward implementing the security plan that CEO Satya Nadella outlined in a talk last Fall in DC, part of that has been creating tools and part buying them. Today, it anno

Microsoft Confirms Purchase Of Cloud Security Firm Adallom

Microsoft announced this morning that it purchased cloud security firm Adallom. According to sources familiar with the matter, the deal cost the Redmond-based software giant $250 million. That dollar

The Danger Of Laissez-Faire Security Attitudes

A door lock does not have the same status as a modern, wall-mounted television or a couch from a world-class designer. It's not like you invite a friend over to check out the new double bolt on the fr