Tracey Meares

Tracey Meares Contributor Share on X Tracey Meares is the Walton Hale Hamilton Professor and Faculty Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School. More posts by this contributor Procedural justice can address generative AI’s trust/legitimacy problem Sudhir Venkatesh Contributor Share on X Sudhir Venkatesh is William B. Ransford Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, where he directs the SIGNAL tech lab. He previously directed Integrity Research at Facebook and built out Twitter’s first Social Science Innovation Team. More posts by this contributor Procedural justice can address generative AI’s trust/legitimacy problem Matt Katsaros Contributor Share on X Matt Katsaros is the Director of the Social Media Governance Initiative at the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School and a former researcher with Twitter and Facebook on online governance. More posts by this contributor Procedural justice can address generative AI’s trust/legitimacy problem

Tracey Meares is the Walton Hale Hamilton Professor and Faculty Director of the Justice Collaboratory at Yale Law School.

The Latest from Tracey Meares

Procedural justice can address generative AI’s trust/legitimacy problem

Companies building AI platforms can engage society in the process and earn — not demand — trust and legitimacy.

Spotify must be more transparent about its rules of the road

Companies once believed they could rely on algorithms to catch inappropriate content and intervene with public relations in high-profile cases. Today, the challenges are bigger and more complicated.