Nicole DuPuis

Brooks Rainwater Contributor Share on X Brooks Rainwater is the director of the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities. More posts by this contributor Crypto mayors on the rise Autonomous vehicles make congestion pricing even more critical Nicole DuPuis Contributor Nicole DuPuis is the senior associate for infrastructure at the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities More posts by this contributor Do cities still want a sharing economy? Smart cities must be people-centered, equitable cities

Nicole DuPuis is the senior associate for infrastructure at the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities

The Latest from Nicole DuPuis

Do cities still want a sharing economy?

Cities make the sharing economy work, and the urban environment is the critical differentiator for experimentation, change and scale. In just a few years, the sharing economy has grown from a niche se

Smart cities must be people-centered, equitable cities

Technology has always been a critical force deeply intertwined with the evolution of cities. The development of smart cities builds upon this strong historical foundation with a digital foundation tha

Welcome to the future of work

With advances in information technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence developing at a rapid rate, workforce dislocations are happening now and are here to stay. As existing trends accelerate

What cities need to know about drones

As drones increasingly fly through our cities in the coming years -- delivering our latest order from Amazon or other on-demand retailers -- the regulation of our airspace and the environment in which

With Detroit Taking A Lyft In A Driverless Car, What’s Next For Cities?

Transportation and geography have always been intertwined. Specifically, the auto industry, with Detroit being the prime example, was once more tightly tied to place. The same can be said for the tech

Transportation Is (And Will Always Be) About People

Brooks Rainwater Contributor Share on X Brooks Rainwater is the director of the Center for City Solutions and Applied Research at the National League of Cities. More posts by this contributor Crypto m

A City View Of The Sharing Economy

The sharing economy is growing and impacting cities. Collaborative consumption feeds into, and off of, desires for immediate gratification. With "on-demand everything" the way of the present and futur

The Sentiment On Sharing Is Shifting

Cities make the sharing economy work. The overall sentiment toward sharing is shifting as traditional industries are upended and local regulatory environments are disrupted, while the sharing economy