Adriana Stan

Adriana Stan Contributor Share on X Adriana Stan is the public relations director of W magazine and a writer on media, culture and technology. She is also the co-founder of the Interesting People in Interesting Times event series and podcast. More posts by this contributor Are algorithms hacking our thoughts? Social media, politics, and the bubble of distraction

Adriana Stan is the public relations director of W magazine and a writer on media, culture and technology. She is also the co-founder of the Interesting People in Interesting Times event series and podcast.

The Latest from Adriana Stan

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes is fighting for fairer incomes 

According to Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, the author of Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn and the co-chair of the Economic Security Project, America needs to radically reform i

Are algorithms hacking our thoughts?

As Facebook shapes our access to information, Twitter dictates public opinion and Tinder influences our dating decisions, the algorithms we've developed to help us navigate choice are now actively dri

Social media, politics, and the bubble of distraction

When the President changes our country so drastically, will we have a new concept of what’s normal? If our social media feeds consist of people who think just like us, how can we expect social c

Patterns, Predictability, and the Rise of Donald Trump 

Tom Goodwin Contributor Share on X Tom Goodwin is EVP, head of innovation at Zenith Media and the co-founder of the Interesting People in Interesting Times event series and podcast. More posts by this

Andrew Yang is running for President to save America from the robots

Tom Goodwin Contributor Share on X Tom Goodwin is EVP, head of innovation at Zenith Media and the co-founder of the Interesting People in Interesting Times event series and podcast. More posts by this

The future is the trust economy

As we get into cars with complete strangers, sleep in the beds of people we’ve never met and lend money to others on the other side of the world, a powerful new currency is emerging -- and it’s ba