Rate Your Date on Gahbunga

Company: Gahbunga
Launched: August 29 2005
Status: Weblogs Work Company
Location: Dallas, TX

Gahbunga launched today. It was created by the guys at Weblogs Work (profile) and is at least as interesting as Consumating, another Texas dating startup (I think these two companies should work together).

The idea? It’s “hot or not” for your cell phone. You take a picture of someone (hopefully with their permission). It’s sent to your friends and, if you desire, to the entire Gahabunga community (talk about pressure). They rate the person’s intellect, personality and overall charisma physical hotness.

You get the opinions of your friends and the Gahbunga community in moments. Your level of insecurity determines your next move, I guess.

See the site:

For example, you are on a blind date and you are on the fence about the guy: First, take a quick phone-photo of your date and send it to Gahbunga. Gahbunga will then send the photo to your friends and if you choose, to other members of the Gahbunga community. Gahbunga will then ask your friends and community members to ‘rate’ your date. The results will be sent to your phone within an hour. The rest is up to you!

Yes, people will be offended. But this is an interesting experiment. Right? I dunno. It’s late and I’m going to bed. Can’t wait to see the comments on this one.