Extra Crunch Daily: Exascale Computing

From Extra Crunch

Wide Angle

baranozdemir via Getty Images

Stories from outside the 280/101 corridor

  • Exascale supercomputers are coming, and no, they aren’t the new iMacs.
  • A discussion on “undead texts” (scholarly books that have been superseded by new work but somehow continue to be widely read). Interesting discussion on why some books last much longer than others.
  • Apple now has more Chinese suppliers for its iPhone than American + Japanese combined. No comment from Tim Apple or Donald Tariffs.
  • Xiaomi’s profits are up as it finds huge growth in overseas markets (particularly India as well as in Western Europe).
  • Deep dive on the errors lurking in and around electronic medical records and just how hard it is to get the technology right in medicine / health.
  • Quantum-safe communication over the internet appears to be doable. Don’t get too entangled in your thoughts on this one.


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