Walter Duncan of Quick Key has some fascinating fixes for our edtech problems

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Guys like Walter Duncan know what they’re talking about when it comes to edtech. Before becoming co-founder of Quick Key, Duncan spent years teaching in schools public and private and knows what teachers deal with on a daily basis. His product, which reduces the amount of time it takes for teachers to grade tests, is ingenious and is taking off.

I spoke to him this week on Technotopia about the future of education and the problems facing inner city schools. One of his most salient points? While folks in the suburbs could never imagine plonking their kids into a VR headset and sending them to virtual school, kids stuck in environments that are unhealthy, dangerous, or distant can benefit immensely from seeing and hearing teachers who know what they’re doing but may be miles or even continents away. Digital education isn’t for everyone but it is massively important.

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