CrunchWeek, Volume 1: Looking Back At The Week In Tech [TCTV]

Didn’t get quite enough chatter about tech this past week? Then you’ve come to the right post!

This is our first episode in a new weekly TechCrunch TV show called CrunchWeek. The premise here is simple — a few TechCrunch writers getting together on Friday afternoons to discuss a few of the past week’s more interesting stories. The aim is to get a bit more into the stories behind the stories that you reach about on TechCrunch’s main blog page.

It’s also a great excuse for me to hang out more with Leena Rao, TechCrunch’s longtime star writer and senior editor who is finally back in San Francisco after a few years of living in the Windy City.

In this first show, TechCrunch co-editor Alexia Tsotsis joins Leena and me as we talk about the latest Facebook stock lockup expiration, the continued expansion of Uber and other transportation-focused apps amidst serious pushback from many powers-that-be, and the unmasking of the person behind the parody Twitter account NextTechBlog.