Keen On… The Domino Project: Seth Godin Reinvents the Book Business (TCTV)

Over the last fifteen years, innovation maven Seth Godin has written twelve best-selling books about breaking all the traditional rules in business. But Godin’s thirteenth book, a little thing about initiative which will be published next month, threatens to be the biggest rule-breaker in his destructive career.

Godin’s thirteenth book may well be unlucky for the traditional publishing business. You see, Godin’s big new thing is the Domino Project, a next generation publishing venture that he is launching with Amazon. And one of the first books published by the Domino Project will be his own little thing about initiative.

What Godin is trying to do with the Domino Project is make books “spreadable.” It’s a big dream – one that reinvents books in the viral age of social media. But, as he told me when we met in New York last month, most start-up businesses fail because entrepreneurs don’t dream big enough.

See Part I of my interview with Seth Godin here.

On the role of technology in the post industrial age

On the Domino Project

On the value of failing small