Spooky Tesla Radio in a jar

FSR8V8IFYTCH5H4.MEDIUMThis fun little DIY device is labeled as a “crystal radio circuit in a jam-jar.” But that description doesn’t even to begin to do it justice. According to Tesla, this electronic wonder allows you to hear the disembodied, etheral voices, of the, well, ether, I guess.

Posted on instrutables.com by mrfixits just in time for the Halloween season, this non-powered radio unit will react to all sorts of stimuli. Sound waves, lasers, radio pulses, even lightning storms! And for output, you get all sorts of spooky sound effects that I’m sure you can find a use for. It plugs straight into your computer’s audio jack, letting you record and manipulate whatever crazy sounds this thing generates. Make one if you’ve got the time and electronics know-how. If it doesn’t end up working, you’ll have a really nifty steampunk paperweight.