Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition taken out behind the woodshed, shot


Linguo, dead? Linguo… IS… dead. Replace "Linguo" with the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition, though. Nokia’s just pulled the plug on the device, according to MobileBurn, citing "slow WiMAX roll out in the USA as well as an issue with current WiMAX switches in use not offering optimal performance" as the precipitators for the internet tablet’s demise.

While it’s true that WiMAX adoption has been slow, it may also be possible that nobody bought the N810 WiMAX Edition with its $450+ MSRP. Don’t get me wrong, I like Nokia’s internet tablets but for that kind of money, you could buy at least 100 hot dogs and eat like a king. A king!

I’m guessing it wasn’t just the slow rollout, it was the slow rollout + now I have to spend $450 on this tablet + now I have to pay $30 to $50/month to use it. Doesn’t make much sense when the just-as-capable N810 can be had for $100 cheaper with no service fees.

[via BGR]