Lymabean: It May Not Go Far, But It Sure Looks Pretty

Let’s add one more new social network to the list that’s trying to woo college students back from Facebook: Lymabean. It hasn’t launched yet, but you can watch an overview video of what appears to be a very pretty Flash-based interface.

The site has most of the bells and whistles required of social networks today – profiles, friends, photos, videos, etc. Instant messaging is also built in and integrated with most of the features (drag and drop a photo into IM, for example). Lymabean also has professor ratings, class notes, and other features.

They say they’ll launch at University of Arizona and Arizona State University first. Since Facebook has a largely unchallengeable stranglehold on college student page views, I don’t see this going too far (Flash social networks never do anyway). But it makes for an excellent resume for the founders.

The Lymabean blog is here.